Friday, February 28, 2014


     There was a silat master who had ten new students. They had been trainde for more than three months, but their skills was not been improved. Consequently, they became reltucant to continu and ready to leave the silat school together.
      One day, when they had finish practice their master call them together. The master took out a marker and a piece of white paper from his pocket. Then the master placed a black dot on that paper.
      " Hey guys! Look at this piece of paper. What can you see?" the master asked.
      " A black dot!" one of the students answered quickly

      "That good! Any others can answer?" the master asked to his students. Most of the students agrreed with what their friend had just answer, except one students. He raised his hand and brave to step forward. At that time, the silat master smiled waiting his response.

     "Sir, I see white space there!" the boy answeed.
      The silat master was very happy hearing the answer. He approached the boy and patted his shoulder. Then the master said " Guys, In life most of you tend to overlook and take for granted many wonderful things you have or that happen around you. You only focus your attention and energy on small. Dot like failures and disappointments. The problems that you have is like the black dot. It is so small! You should widen your horizon and look at the whole of that paper. You know what? You seem to have learned nothing for the three months. But do you know how strong your feet now? Do you recgonize how fit and healthy you are? That's what you have benefitted from this Silat so far. You can't become a master quickly, life need step. You have bee patient and learn the movement step by step. Well let me knowm who will leave the school now?" None of the boys answered. They continud their study until they become a silat master.
                                                                                                                     (Renovated from Detik-Detik)

Hal Indah Yang Dapat Kita Petik:

  1.  Kehidupan itu ibarat kita menaiki sebuah tangga, kita membutuhkan waktu dan juga tenaga untuk menggapai anak tangga satu demi satu.
  2.  Fokuslah menjalani kehidupan ini.
  3.  Janganlah menyerah, lihatlah cahaya mimpi kita yang terang dan akan terus terbuka untuk kita selama  ada usaha dari kita untuk menggapainya.
  4.  Janganlah menyerah jika impianmu belum terwujud. Dengan SEMANGAT dan USAHA semua hal yang tak mungkin akan menjadi mungkin.

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